Now the world is in danger of this disease! WHO had to call an emergency meeting, know which virus is this?

 Now the world is in danger of this disease! WHO had to call an emergency meeting, know which virus is this?

A new strain of Mp virus has emerged in Africa which is considered very dangerous. It has reached 4 countries adjacent to Africa. In such a situation, WHO is worried that it may spread to all the countries of the world.

A new strain of Pox virus has emerged in Africa which is considered to be very dangerous. It has reached 4 countries adjacent to Africa. In such a situation, WHO is worried that it may spread to all the countries of the world.

A new strain of virus has emerged in Africa which is considered to be very dangerous.  It has reached 4 countries adjacent to Africa.  In such a situation, WHO is worried that it may spread to all the countries of the world.

Monkeypox is a viral infection just like smallpox in humans. It was first found in monkeys kept for research in 1958. That is why it was called monkeypox. The first case of monkeypox infection in humans was recorded in 1970. This disease mainly occurs in the tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa and sometimes reaches other areas. Its cases have been reported in the world earlier also and WHO has also issued guidelines regarding it. But now its new strain has emerged which is being described as very deadly. 

This is the concern of WHO

In 2022, the case of Monpox was considered international epidemic. In all countries, its cases were in front and more than 100 people were killed. At that time, there were two streams of Mankipes, which were very few dangerous. But last year, the very dangerous strain came out in Congo. It was called Clade1a. There has been a more dangerous strain even more dangerous than that, which is being called Clade1b. Democratic Republic of Kangs is a very intense population country. The boundaries of all other countries have also been connected with this country. In such a situation, the WHO is concerned about the fact that these straines can not reach neighboring countries. This is the reason that this disease has now reached those parts outside the Congo, where it was not even nominated. Last month, the Case1B of Mankipox was found in the other four countries Brundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda adjacent to Chango. Earlier, no matter of mutation came in these countries. According to this virus Who spreads, MPox is an infectious disease that reaches from one person to another. These recruitment can enter into the body in terms of ways to come in contact with the recruitment droplets, skin, fluid, Mucal Survey or Respiratory Tract, coming out of genitals. What are the symptoms of this disease usually look for two to four weeks, which goes away from themselves. However, its cases can also be serious. Rashrage fever vein flourish fatigue headache, body pain or back pain, swelling in muscle pain lymph nodes


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